March 12 - Midweek Lenten Service Soup Supper at 5pm Vespers Service at 6pm
March 12 - Midweek Lenten Service Soup Supper at 5pm Vespers Service at 6pm
Immanuel's Choir shares the good news of salvation with Christ-centered music. All are welcome to lift their voices in praise to God! Contact our organist Bonny Winston for more information
Immanuel's brass orchestra plays on festival occasions throughout the church year. Come and join us! Contact Ken Eilers for more information
Index of the Lutheran Hymnals (pdf)
Download"For Unto Us a Child is Born" - Schirmer's edition of the "Messiah"
"Dona Nobis" - soloists V. Contos, S. McCollum, C. Porter
"Christmas Medley" - soloist Brett Marshall, piano
Thy Strong Word
Brass and vocals
A Mighty Fortress
Spirit of God
Bob Kaemmerer - flute
Bonny Winston - piano
Rev. Ed Weber - guitar
How Great Thou Art!